About Athletics

Integrity in Athletics

CCS Athletics seeks to assist student-athletes in developing strong character by promoting excellence and integrity, inspiring each to excel at the highest level of competition. All department goals, principles and policies have been created in an effort to make the mission statement a true focus in the everyday life of the CCS student-athlete.

Athletic Goals

Through competitive athletics students will be challenged:

  • To serve as a positive representation in everything.
  • To push fellow athletes beyond their perceived potential.
  • To understand the value of commitment.
  • To prepare themselves for competition on a daily basis.
  • To develop Christ-like character and leadership skills.

Welcome to CCS Athletics

It is a great honor and privilege to be the Athletic Director at Cornerstone Christian School. I have many passions in life, but one of the most important is the chance to give young adults the opportunity to be a part of athletics. I believe competitive atmospheres bring out the best and worst in people, and my goal is to make sure that here at CCS, we bring out the best in each athlete. We strive to hold athletes accountable for their actions, their grades, and their choices on and off the playing field. Our hope for these athletes is to walk away from CCS Athletics with a better grasp on what they can accomplish when they put their minds to it. We pray that they walk away from each sport not only feeling accomplished, no matter what the outcome, but that they walk away better students, stronger athletes, and closer to our Lord.

“One player with character improves a team; One team of character improves a school; One school of character impacts a community.” -Coach Denny Jerome.

Thank you for your support,

Dave Dexheimer

Athletic Director

